Church Music Systems

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About Lumia Media

 Lumia Media provides state-of-the-art displays synchronized to music perfornances.

Lumia Media artistically renders using
 LCD panels, projectors and Programmable stationary and moving head lights.

Advanced dynamic Lumia effect software provides
synchronization by performer, conductor or audio.

As your team, we provide the technical and artistic expertise
to maximize impact on your audience.


Here are the reviews of Lumia Media classical concert presentations:

The concert was a perfect pairing of superb musicians and the imaginative creations of the lumia designers.

The Lumia Media mix well when you have a master chef like these musicians stirring the brew! 

One is captivated by the forms dancing across the screen,
    never distracting from the music,
        never serving as accompaniment...
             beauty beyond adequate description!

Takes up where Disney's Fantasia left off!

Prisms, lamps and lenses swill the Rose and the next dimension. 
    This new man made sun plunges through the terror and ecstasy of Bach,
         Haloing the music's passion, enrapturing the mind and all its senses.

 One must go and experience this. 
    For in a thousand years,
        how short a time there is
             Between the rising and the setting of the sun.

Whom shall we admire more? 
    Bach, or Bach's interpreters?
          The Rose or the lights behind it?

Offering Lumia Media!

Church Music Systems is offering Lumia Media to enhance your audience engagement during performances.

We are contacting you to make you aware of the possibilities of synchronized Lumia Media offerings.


If you are interesting in exploring these possibilities , please contact us:

1. Via email:

2. Via phone/text (207) 837-2196

To enable us to best help you, please include the following information in your communication:

Name ______________________________________________________ 

Email  ______________________________________________________ 



URL of Youtube Performances:___________________________________

Song(s) of your repertoire that would benefit from Lumia Media:



Plan for tomorrow and call today for an appointment      We help you sound your best!  

Church Music Systems - 207-837-2196
110 Fisher Road - Bowdoinham, Maine  04008

Send mail to with questions or comments about our web site.
How to contact us
Last modified: September 10, 2015